Meet Our Team!
Shannon Dye
Shannon is a fourth year majoring in political science and human rights from Falmouth, Maine. Some of her interests include theatre, creating playlist, and binge-watching tv shows, and she is very passionate about democracy reform. She is voting because she cares about democracy and believe greater participation is critical to its success.
Davis Turner
Davis is a third year student studying Economics and CEGU (Environment, Geography, and Urbanization). He joined UChiVotes in his first year as a voting ambassador and thoroughly enjoyed talking with students about voting and encouraging the student body to be politically engaged. He votes because political participation by voting is fundamentally important for having a stake in policy and changing the future of the country.
Lindsay Greenspan
Lindsay is a second year majoring in Political Science and French from Oak Hill, Virginia. She is voting so that she can feel represented in our governmental system.
William Balk
William is a fourth year from Wayne, Pennsylvania majoring in Economics and Public Policy. He votes because it allows him to express his views in a constructive manner, while supporting policies that are important to him. He's also a menace on the broomball court!
Javier “Javi” Rodriguez
Javi is a fourth year majoring in Public Policy Studies and Spanish from Houston, Texas. He is voting because our cherished right to vote is the equalizer of our democracy. It fosters community, transformation, and hope.
Kylan Bartel
Kylan is a third year in the College studying Sociology with a minor in Spanish from Mazomanie, WI. They joined UChiVotes last year as an ambassador. In addition to working with UChiVotes, Kylan is involved with University Chorus and Environmental Justice Task Force. They are voting because it is an easy way to make an impact on his community.
Ellie Steger
Ellie is a second year from Dallas, Texas, majoring in Middle Eastern Studies. She is voting because it is her civic duty, and she wants her voice to be heard!
Eli kanner
Eli is a second year majoring in Comparative Human Development and Computer Science from Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is voting to keep his voice heard and spur about the change he wants to see in this country. When he isn't designing merch or editing this website catch him on his Midwave radio show!
Sonia Bradley
Sonia is a second year majoring in Public Policy and Human Rights from Bristol, Rhode Island. She is excited to vote as it is a direct way for her to shape her country's future through its leaders.
Leonardo Lopez Sarmiento
Leonardo is a second year studying Political Science and Philosophy from El Paso, Texas. He is voting because a democracy is only as strong as its citizens' participation!
Lulu Bachrach
Lulu is a second year studying Chemistry and Math, hailing from Orlando, Florida. She votes to honor those who fought for her suffrage and to do her part as a citizen of this country.
Gabe Kertesz
Gabe is a fourth year majoring in Political Science & Psychology from Homewood, Alabama. He will be voting as it is the best way to make sure elected officials hear your voice!